Saturday, September 12, 2009


For the past 2 years, Central Texas has been experiencing a severe drought. There are many people concerned about conservation of land and water, including me. In order to further educate the public, Wimberley is hosting a series of seminars and an art exhibit this weekend. Ironically, the F.L.O.W. (For Love of Water) event may have a lower attendance do to the last four days of rain. This rain is welcomed by every living creature in this area. We don't care if the dry, dusty soil has turned to big messy mud pits. We don't mind at all the temperature being well under 105 degrees. We don't dare utter a single complaint about this rain. So, this illustration is one of three water related pieces I submitted for the F.L.O.W. art show.


Anonymous said...

Piye son,arep lebaran duwe duwit ga..Po yo arep ngemis terus,lha yen ngono mbojo maneh ae ben ketok sugeeh.Mumpung isik urip.Tulung yo son iklanku mbok pencet,mdngentaskan kemiskinan.

Susan Rudat said...

¿No Comprende?

joseph's art and stuff said...

glad to hear you got some rain! this is an amazing piece!

Unknown said...

I was speaking to Margie, last night, and she said you had some rain at last. I hope you have not suffered the sort of flooding she had or the sort of storms we have seen on our news programmes. I know I joked about sending you some of the stuff but, as the poem "The Deluge by WD Cocker" - a description about Noah and the flood (I put some verses on Facebook recently) says, "Lord we know we have sinned but a joke can be carried o'er far". In the meantime get out with lots of containers and capture the stuff in case your dry spell reappears.