Waiting for the bus in downtown Dallas last Saturday afternoon. There were not many people around, probably because of businesses were closed and it was too hot for the tourists to be outside.
Nothing like a cool tropic refreshing beverage during the hot summer! I took a snapshot of this a couple of years ago in Kona, Hawaii. I just had to illustrate the vibrance of this cool drink.
This was a quick sketch during a stop in Waco, heading to Dallas. It's miserabley hot and dry this summer. Nobody wants to be outside during the heat of the day. Even in Dallas, the traffic is lighter than usual.
A great old diner in downtown Salt Lake City. I finally finished the Salt Lake City series of sketches. Last week I spent a few days in Dallas. Now it's time to ink those sketches. I'm finally beginning to catch up on travel sketches.
Downtown Salt Lake City. There are some beautiful, old buildings around the area. Also, lots of new buildings under construction. All over downtown are signs and banners announcing "S.L.C. Rising". From what I've seen, many cities are constantly constructing new buildings.
This was sketched from the south east end of downtown. The linear placement of the trees caught my attention. They are really beautiful with the mountains in the background.
Dallas/Ft Worth airport. It's interesting to to see people in their travels. The vacationers, the business travelers, the inexperienced traveler, the weary wanderer. Airports are great people-watching places.
While working on a commissioned art piece, I've been painting this on the side. I bought this birdhouse for five bucks with no intention to get so involved with it. I do love painting whimsical three dimensional objects like this.
I am PowerPoint Graphics Girl for another corporate conference in Salt Lake City. Although I've been sketching, I have no scanner. A digital photo post will have to do for now.
Photo in picture in picture, in picture, and onward into infinity.
Because of a conflict in community events, the Wimberley parade took place yesterday. It's a fun, All-American small town parade. It was way too hot though.
Lately I've been working on large acrylic paintings. At first I was frustrated because the paintings looked like drawings. Now, this drawing looks sort of like a painting. Maybe I should regularly switch between the two styles to let them flow together.