I noticed a pay phone recently. With cellphones and the internet, these modes of communication are slow. I would miss them if they disappeared forever.
The large moleskine sketchbook has been evolving into a place for more imaginary and whimsical ideas and art. The small moleskine is still perfect for location sketching. I love doing both.
The fire escape with the broken step caught my attention on this sketch. The wall is rusted old brick, a nice contrast with the clean stone walls and newer buildings in the background. International Boulevarde, near the Peachtree Westin Hotel, Atlanta.
A simple sketch. I have a cold or the flu or something. This started out with serious intentions, but quickly wilted in enthusiasm. Time for a nap now.
A quick sketch from Centennial Park in downtown Altanta. I chose a park bench close to a couple of bicycle cops. After they moved on, the beggars moved in. One guy offered to walk with me to the homeless shelter for the night. When I told him I had a place to stay, he asked for 5 bucks. He wouldn't leave, so I called it quits.
View from the Sheraton Hotel's front entrance. I sketched this before dawn last Sunday morning. It was one of those moments of solitude where it seems as if you are the only person in the world who is not asleep. It was cold out there.
Big Boy ditched the hair products, now he's working at an all-nite diner on the lower east side. The 11 to 7 am shift. I don't know where this came from. A reality break maybe.
The past few days I've switched from professional artist to professional gardener. Career diversity is important these days. I sketched this patch of dead muhly grass before their mid-winter cutting. I just love these tall, whispy grasses.
The Future Farmers of America livestock show, San Marcos, Texas. These kids do a great job of raising animals. I was especially intrigued with the goats with coats.