Wednesday, March 4, 2015

loads of snow and lots of ice

 It's the beginning of March.  Still, there is snow piled on top of snow.  Hard-packed layers that will take much time and plenty of warm weather to melt.
Deep snow.  I love the marshmallow shapes  created both by wind and snow plows.
The temperatures alternate between above and below the freezing mark.  Some of the snow has melted, but colder weather comes back.  Now there are big patches of slippery, shiny ice.  Battles which will inevitably lead to the death of winter into new energy and growth from the strength and warmth of the sun.

 I love the energies of nature.   I rarely venture out without my camera.  It's an obsession of many years.  I must have a gazillion photos that no one ever seen.  Photography is the anatomy of composition that expresses the beauty of this world.