Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

fish art wall hanging

Recently I was commissioned to create a three-dimensional painting of whimsical tropical fish. It will be made of 3 layers of masonite and wood, painted with acrylics. I haven't done one of these in quite some time, so I am really looking forward to this.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Drawn with brushpen in watercolor Moleskine.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

giant wooly moth

I think this moth had just come into the world. The wings are very short, so this is the only explanation I can come up with.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Random sketches in frames.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Go For Love

This is the theme challenge for the month of May at
Skineart is a website dedicated to art created in moleskine sketchbooks. Theme challenge participation is not required, almost any art can be submitted. There are many great styles, mediums and ideas from artists around the world. All of them are inspirational works of art.
This drawing is sketchy. If I were to make this into a finished illustration, it would require some reworking and fine tuning.

Monday, May 18, 2009

the surf

Having been on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico recently, I needed to draw water. Observing waves and water is fascinating to me.

the burger basket

Drawn from a photo. It is almost impossible to sketch my food before eaating it. From a hole-in-the-wall diner in Buda, Texas. I can't remember the name of the place.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

palm fronds

These short palm trees create nice shade. While in Florida, I escaped the sun while on a bike ride to sketch this hedge of palms.

purple thistle

One of my favorite wildflowers. Reminds me of the Dr. Suess story, "Horton Hears a Who".

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

rock tunnel

This tunnel was created by large fallen rocks. Water from Llano Uplift aquifer drips out from between the rocks, which creates small pools with ferns and green plantlife. A few feet away from the water are cactus and agave...plants indigenious to dry, rocky climates.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pedernales River, west

Early last Sunday morning I went for a long hike along the river and cliffs of the Pedernales River in Central Texas. I sat on a small beach and sketched this epic four page moleskine panorama.

Pedernales River, east

The river curves around a sharp bend to the far right.

linocut coffee

This is the first linocut I've done since high school art class. I'm excited about making more. This was created with a rubber stamp block, which is almost the consistency of a pink eraser. Probably not the most concise material but a good practice piece.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cayo Costa cabin

After hiking around the beach for a couple of hours, I went looking for shade. There are 12 very rustic cabins on the island. I don't think they have electricity either. I sat at a partly shaded picnic table and sketched this cabin. It was closed because of the eagles nest just off to the left. Florida is great about wildlife protection. If a sea turtle lays eggs on the beach, it's roped off, the same as with eagle's nests and burrowing ground owls.

Monday, May 4, 2009

leeward side, Cayo Costa, Florida

Cayo Costa island is 8 miles long and about a mile wide. The leeward side is accessable by boat from the Intercoastal Waterway. It is one of a string of barrier islands owned and protected by the state of Florida.

windward side, Kayo Costa

This is the Gulf of Mexico side of the barrier island. On the horizon is Gasparilla Island.

eagles' nest

Two fledglings and an adult eagle. The nest is in a dead tree which is roped off for protection against us humans.

urban nature

"Manicured" nature in Florida. Over the weekend I visited Kayo Costa State Park, a barrier island off the southwest coast of Florida. Nature is allowed to do its own thing on this island. Off the paths, it's hardly passable on foot, but there is alot more wildlife. Kayo Costa is accessable by boat only.

Friday, May 1, 2009

coconut tree

While sketching, it was very windy. It was a bit disconcerting sitting under the tree.